Constitution Day

 |  Roger
We celebrated Ukraine’s Constitution Day (June 28th) with Ukrainian food and music, an ice cream van, arts and crafts, games for children, and ended the day with a visit to a traditional English pub.

Vyshivanka Day

 |  Roger
A celebration of the national clothing of Ukraine, which is embroidery made from homemade canvas woven on a loom.  After face painting, the children made salt dough ornaments and played games while parents enjoyed a drink and chat.
Making new Ukrainian and British friends and meeting old ones at our weekly coffee mornings and monthly events in North Birmingham; a chance to mingle, chat and try new things. 

Pottery Classes

 |  Roger
Guests were given a very instructive clay pottery workshops run by Petra. There were some really nice creations from cups to vases and sculptures. Their work made it to the cover of the Midlands Potters Association Magazine.

Orthodox Christmas Party

 |  admin
On January 7th the Ukrainian guests living in North Birmingham gathered to celebrate Ukrainian food and music with their hosts and new friends.

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