Задаючи унікальний тон дослідженням, група українських авантюристів, оркестрована волонтерською організацією NB4U, вибрала мальовничу автобусну подорож до Йорка. Ритмічний гул двигуна та звивисті дороги стали фоном для групи, щоб об’єднати пейзажі, створюючи зв’язки під час пригод.
У Йорку історія розгорталася в Jorvik Viking Centre, а вузькі вулички Shambles стали фоном для спільних моментів. Національний залізничний музей продемонстрував еволюцію транспорту, а мандрівники автобусів оцінили різноманітність локомотивів і вагонів.
Візит до культового Йоркського собору з його величною будівлею та багатовіковою історією залишив групу в захваті, додавши духовного та архітектурного виміру їхньому культурному досвіду.
Вечори в Йорку проводилися в місцевих пабах, де українська група ділиться культурними ідеями, створюючи тривалі спогади.
Наприкінці нашої подорожі ми відзначили День пам’яті жертв Голодомору в Україні. Цього дня люди традиційно запалюють свічки о 16:00, тому, коли дзвони Йоркського собору пробили чотири, ми запалили свічки та поставили їх на сходах собору, потім заспівали Гімн України та вшанували пам’ять хвилиною мовчання.
Good morning!☀
Thank you all our volunteers and organizers of our trip to York!!!
It was amazing!!!
Olesya, thank you that organized the commemoration of Holodomor victims yesterday.
I really waited this trip to York and I was happy to be there.
Thanks to everyone who organized this trip, it was amazing. England is wonderful! Especially thanks to Noran for the idea to go to York. This trip brought the winter holidays even closer and added a festive mood 🎄✨
I am redirecting a message from my mother . She is not in the group .
Good afternoon, community of Ukrainians, our sponsors and volunteers!
Thank you very much for an unforgettable trip to York!
You are people with incredible hearts who know how to share. It is very powerful that you found not only time for us, but also resources.
Everything went smoothly, every detail of the trip was thought out. It seems that we have all known each other for a long time and have foreseen everything. Olesya, you are an indomitable and inspiring person.
I thank God for sending me such people on my way. You are an example of stability, courage and faith.
I hope that we will reach the capital with you.
So, let the fire of inspiration not burn out , fate gives bright events, and there will always be good weather in life.
Let’s stay in line, to victory
Good evening! Thank you very much to all the volunteers for a wonderful trip to York. Special thanks to Noran for organizing the free visit to the church. It is very beautiful!
Good evening! A bit late message but I wanted to say thank you to all people who organised the tour. It was our first trip and we enjoyed ourselves! Thank you, people with big hearts, for sharing your love with us! We fell very big support and that we are not alone!
Thank you so much to all our lovely NB4U community who came on this visit on such an important day. Our visits would not happen without your enthusiasm. We are looking forward to planning our next trip together when the weather becomes warmer again. Maybe by then we will have welcomed even more lovely people into our community. God bless you all. 💙💛
We had an unforgettable chance to visit the beautiful part of England. The city of York with its ancient architecture produced an impression on every participant of the trip.
The bus tour was well organized.
My thankfulness to our caring sponsors of this trip is unlimited.