Welcome Autumn Event

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On 21 October NB4U held a successful social event at Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church. We were joined by Anton and Roman who shared the work they were doing taking a range of items and vehicles to soldiers fighting in Ukraine. We collected £209 to donate to the cause and on 16 November we will be collecting in items to send to Ukraine. Thank you to Lucy, Colin and Peter who worked hard in the kitchen, Val and Mel who provided a craft activity for children , Roger …

Ukranian Independence Day

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On July 17th we celebrated Ukrainian Independence Day with 100 participants at Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Hall . It was a truly amazing experience and we were joined by Councillor Clifton Welch , Councillor David Barry and Frances Thomas from Birmingham City Council. We had fabulous food from Ukrainian Sunflower which quickly disappeared . We had entertaiment from Iryna’s children’s dance group , the elders from ESOL entertained us with singing and poetry , …

Community Games

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The 13th of July was a great day at the Community Games held at the Windley Leisure Center. Our guests enjoyed complimentary tickets and gazebos provided the organizers, thanks to Dennis. Noran and Val arranged a wonderful picnic. The children had a fantastic time earning their medals in various sports. They enjoyed the sunshine, socialized, and made new friends. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success! …

Skittles Event

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15 червня ми провели чудовий день, граючи в кеглі. До нас приєднався депутат Ендрю Мітчелл. Наші гості подякували йому за організацію нещодавнього туру будівлями парламенту, і він виступив із промовою, в якій підтвердив непохитну підтримку Великобританією України доти, поки окупанти не будуть усунені.

День вишиванки

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18 травня ми святкували День вишиванки на нашій щомісячній зустрічі. Понад 40 членів NB4U об’єдналися, насолоджуючись компанією один одного та смачною їжею.

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