Advanced C1

Знайдіть заняття для дорослих, які вивчають англійську мову з поглибленим рівнем C1.

How to be Speaking English Fluently | Tips to speak in English

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Welcome to our new video, where we’ll share tips to help you pronounce words just like a native speaker! Join the conversation and tell us which words you find tricky to pronounce. Let’s practice together!

How to Speak English Fluently | Tips to speak in English

Learn 50 Idioms Native Speakers Actually Use | Advanced English

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Learn 50 of the most common idioms in the English language. These are expressions that native speakers commonly use and you should know them if you want to reach an advanced English level!

Learn 50 Idioms Native Speakers Actually Use | Advanced English

Improve English Listening Skills with Exercises

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Improve English Listening Skills with Exercises Today, let’s practice English listening skills with Exercises. Let’s get started!

Improve English Listening Skills with Exercises

Tips to Using Vocabulary More Effectively | English Speaking Conversation

Tips to Using Vocabulary More Effectively | English Speaking Conversation “I have a good vocabulary, but I can’t use it” – If you’re having difficulty using English vocabulary, this video is for you. Let’s get started!

Tips to Using Vocabulary More Effectively | English Speaking Conversation

100 IMPORTANT Antonyms in English (B1 B2 and C1 Level Vocabulary)

Easily expand your vocabulary by learning the advanced antonyms of the words you already know! Today, I will teach you over 100 adjectives from B1 to B2 to C1 level.

100 IMPORTANT Antonyms in English (B1 B2 and C1 Level Vocabulary)

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