Transport in North Birmingham

Trains from Lichfield and North Birmingham to Central Birmingham

(as of April 2023)

Departure Station           Travel Time        Frequency (Mins)                  Cost (Day Return/Off Peak Return)*

Lichfield                                 37                      every 30 mins                                   £ 9.70/7.70

Sutton Coldfield                   21                      10 – 20  mins                                    £6.70/£5.30

Erdington                              13                      10 – 20 mins                                     £4.90/£3.40       

*  After 9:30am train fares become cheaper, called off-peak.     

You can find more detailed timetables and prices for all train journeys in the UK on the trainline website.

Bus Services

A single bus journey is £2 and a return is £4. If you pay £4, you can use the bus service all day; you can travel on many buses and pay no extra.

Getting to Central Birmingham

Starting Point                                                  Bus Services

Sutton Coldfield                                             X3, X4, X5, X14

Boldmere                                                          907, 66

Kingstanding                                                    937, 936, 33

Streetly                                                             937, 997, 935

Erdington                                                          X3, X4, X5, X15, 66

You can find more information on the National Express bus website:

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